Thursday, September 3, 2020

Economic Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Monetary Article Analysis - Essay Example Once, the vast majority of the monetary experts opined that raw petroleum stock may fall by 600,000 barrels in the course of the most recent seven day stretch of August 2009. In any case, in the end it dropped by 200,000 barrels not exactly the normal level1. In a sharp differentiation the fuel inventories encountered a disturbing decrease of 3 million barrels. Anyway the downturn ridden US economy, which were encountering a falling fuel request in the course of the last one-year, inhaled a short of alleviation as far as a minimal increment for the equivalent. It is clear when raw petroleum stock tumbled to a not exactly expected level and fuel stock tumbled to a more than anticipated norm, hence in turn around terms, raw petroleum draw would be not as much as that of gas. This reality has been properly brought up by Phil Flynn, expert for PFGBest Research in Chicago, the Energy Information Administration (EIA). He further saw that a bullish interest for fuel kills a bearish raw petr oleum request. We have seen in the course of the most recent one-year what monstrous impact a fall in powerful interest for an item can have on its value level. For example, in under a half year (from July 2008 to December, 2008) raw petroleum cost experienced very nearly 78 percent drop. Nicely a normal retaliate of the economy from the pit of downturn maybe produced a positive interest support for fuel when all is said in done (albeit more slow than expected)2 and from that point (December, 2008 onwards) may have made some positive value alterations. The connection among downturn and hosing cost of fuel may be consistently represented as follows †downturn suggests declining creation, falling monetary exercises, that is, mechanical, tertiary and essential division related exercises. Every one of these exercises use fuel as a wellspring of vitality and decrease in such exercises prompts decrease in fuel utilization, bringing about less interest and subsequently fall in price3. Anyway on one

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Strategy for EasyJet

The presentation: the basics of EasyJet Airline Company Limited is acclaimed United Kingdom-based aircraft, which showed up in 1995. It was established by Greek agent. The organization is perceived to be one of the most minimal effort aircrafts in Europe. The significant purpose of a company’s business system is its toll structure.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Business Strategy for EasyJet explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In many cases, the customers utilize the Web, telephones to save a seat. At the end of the day, the accomplishment of the business procedures the organization creates relies on the purported time arrangement. The executives staff of EasyJet Airline Company Limited clarifies that the company’s promoting methodologies depend on gracefully and request. Koenigsberg, Muller Vilcassim (2004, p. 1) express that â€Å"the extent of the expansion in cost from the primary date of seat deals to the takeoff time is needy upon the limit of accessible seats between the given city pair, and differs conversely with it†. The proposal proclamation To conjecture the activity of Strategic Business Units, Information Communication Technologies are to be applies in a legitimate manner. The achievement of business systems of EasyJet Airline Company Limited relies on key and strategic administration the organization depends on. The body: the company’s plan of action The key purposes of the company’s plan of action are offer (the primary standard is to furnish the mass market with successful administrations); basic contributions (there is just Boeing 737, which is utilized); inescapable innovations (the organization applies new advancements to dodge superfluous costs); straightforward yields, for example â€Å"the organization offers nitty gritty stripped-down administrations. An even degree dependent on regular components in giving a minimal effort, effective support of mass-advertis e clients, where the basic Internet innovation and â€Å"easy† brand give more relatedness than the genuine administrations themselves† (Business Strategy Review 2004, p. 20); a geographic degree; similar customers (generally speaking they are youthful), and an engaged association. The accomplishment of the association started with its parent organization EasyGroup’s.Advertising Looking for proposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"EasyGroup’s extension from aircrafts into vehicle rental, Internet bistros and money related administrations speak to gradual as opposed to radical changes to its center business model† (Business Strategy Review 2004, p. 21). The end: the fundamental approaches to improve business methodologies In my conclusion, further accomplishment of the association relies on its data correspondence innovations or their modernization. I might want to call attention to that key instruments of the organization are to be improved due to ICTs. To quality the intensity of the organization, ICTs are to be appropriately applied. â€Å"As organizations can collaborate all the more productively, capable organizations got computerized and arranged, confronting an entire scope of new chances and challenges† (Buhalis 2003, p. 805). That’s why my choice depends on ICTs improvement or advancement. I guess that the company’s business procedures can be modernized because of vital administration. I think there is a need to make a stage for cooperation. It implies that the organization is to help out different accomplices. This prompts extremely wonderful results: for example, the organization will improve the key direction, yet additionally the strategic one. ICTs improvement is expected to control the outer condition. Reference List Buhalis, D 2003, eAirlines: Strategic and Tactical Use of ICTs in the Airline Industry, Business Strategy Review 2004. Web.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Business Strategy for EasyJet explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Koenigsberg, O, Muller, E, Vilcassim, N 2004, easyJet ® Airlines: Small, Learn, andâ with Prices, that Increase Over Time, and-research. This proposition on Business Strategy for EasyJet was composed and put together by client Helena P. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Abraham Lincolns assassination Essay Example For Students

Abraham Lincolns death Essay Abraham Lincolns death was a malicious consummation of an effectively harsh and resentful occasion in American history, the Civil War. John Wilkes Booth and his gathering of co-backstabbers created designs in the pre-fall of 1864 to just grab the President and take him the Confederate capital of Richmond and hold him as an end-result of Confederate detainees of war. Stalls gathering of schemers: Samuel Arnold, Michael OLaughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Paine, George Atzerodt, David Herold, and Mary Surratt Johns spouse, made arrangements on March 17, 1865, to catch Lincoln, who was booked to see a play at an emergency clinic in the edges of Washington. Notwithstanding, Lincoln changed plans and stayed in the capital Booth 98 On April 9, 1865, General Lee gave up to General Grant at Appomattox. After two days Lincoln conveyed a discourse before the White House to a gathering that had accumulated outside. Stall, being available in this gathering, heard Lincoln recommend that specific democratic rights ought to be allowed to the blacks. Angered, being a bigot, Booths designs presently abandoned the capturing of Lincoln to his death Lewis, Neely 115 Three days before his death Lincoln recounted a fantasy he had to his better half and one of his companions, Ward Hill Lamon. As indicated by Lamon, the President stated: About ten days back, I resigned late. I had been sitting tight for some significant dispatches from the front. I was unable to have been long in bed when I fell into a sleep, for I was tired. I before long started to dream. There appeared to be a demise like tranquility about me. At that point I heard repressed cries, as though various individuals were sobbing. I thought I left my bed and meandered first floor. There the quiet was broken by the equivalent melancholy crying, however the grievers were imperceptible. I went from space to room; not a single living individual was to be found, however the equivalent forlorn hints of trouble met me as I went along. I saw light in all the rooms; each item was natural to me; yet where were all the individuals who were lamenting as though their hearts would break? I was confounded and frightened. What could be the importance of this? Resolved to discover the reason for the situation so puzzling and stunning, I kept on until I showed up at the East Room, which I entered. There I met a sickening shock. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a cadaver enclosed by memorial service vestments. Around it were positioned fighters who were going about as watchmen; and there was a crowd of individuals, looking sorrowfully upon the cadaver, whose face was secured, others sobbing desolately. Who is dead in the White House? I requested of one of the officers, The President, was his answer; he was murdered by a professional killer. At that point came a noisy eruption of despondency from the crows, which woke me from my fantasy. I dozed no more that night; and in spite of the fact that it was just a fantasy, I have been unusually irritated by it from that point onward. Online http://individuals. aol. com Was it conceivable that President Lincoln knew about his death before it really occurred? On the morning of Friday, April 14, Booth halted by Fords Theater and discovered that President Lincoln and General Grant were anticipating going to the night execution of Our American Cousin. Stall at that point held one last gathering with the plotters and said he would execute Lincoln at the theater, he had discovered that Grant had left town. Atzerodt was to slaughter the Vice-President Andrew Johnson at Kirkwood House where he dwelled. Powell and Herold were allocated to execute the Secretary of State William Seward. The two assaults were booked to happen at the same time at around 10:15 p. m. that night. Stall trusted that the subsequent disarray and shortcoming in the administration could prompt a rebound for the South :Lewis, Neely 187 At about 7:00 p. m. William H. .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .postImageUrl , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:hover , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:visited , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:active { border:0!important; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:active , .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:hover { haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u27d350d68bcea336f 55a4a1365e78942 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u27d350d68bcea336f55a4a1365e78942:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet Story EssayCrook, Lincolns guardian, was eased three hours late by John Parker. Parker was advised to be available at Fords Theater when the Presidential party arrived. Criminal stated, pleasant evening, Mr. Lincoln. The President answered, Good-bye, Crook. As indicated by Crook this was a first. Lincoln ALWAYS recently stated, pleasant evening, Crook. Reck 148 Around 8:00 p. m. the Lincolns went out in a phase mentor and continued to get Clara Harris and Major Rathbone. Parker drove the path into the theater, with the play as of now in progress. At the point when Lincoln entered the acting halted and they played Hail to the Chief. The crowd rose to their feet and commended the President. When he was situated in the state box the play proceeded. Corner showed up at Fords Theater at 9:30 p. m. furnished with a solitary shot derringer and a chasing blade. Joseph Burroughs, a kid who worked at the performance center held his pony in the back rear entryway while Booth went to get a beverage at a close by cantina. He returned the venue at 10:07 p. m. what's more, gradually advanced towards the state box. John Parker had recently left his post. At about 10:15 p. m. , Booth opened the entryway and shot Lincoln in the rear of the head at close to point-clear range, and battled with Rathbone. Stall cut Rathbone in the arm and bounced around eleven feet to the stage. At the point when he collided with the floor he snapped the fibula bone in his left leg. Numerous in the performance center idea they heard him shout Sic Semper Tyrannis, latin for as consistently to dictators. Stall flashed his blade to the group and advanced over the phase before in excess of 1,000 individuals. It happened so brisk nobody had the opportunity to stop him. Stall got away out the indirect access and left the city Lewis, Neely 261-263. The other portion of the arrangement to slaughter Vice-President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward was fundamentally a disappointment. Atzerodt made no endeavor to murder Johnson, and Powell cut Seward however it neglected to execute him. Herold got away from the capital utilizing a similar scaffold, the Navy Yard Bridge, as Booth. The two met in Maryland and halted quickly around 12 PM in Mary Surratts bar, where they had supplies prepared to escape toward the South. At around 4:00 a. m. they showed up at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd who set and supported Booths broken leg. Back in Washington, the slug had entered Lincolns head around three creeps behind his left ear and went around seven and a half crawls into the cerebrum. The primary specialist to take care of the President was Charles Leale. He knew right then that the injury was mortal and the President wouldnt have the option to recoup. Lincolns body was conveyed over the road to the Peterson House. Furnished fighters monitored the house while a night long passing watch started. Specialists said a normal man with this kind of wound would have passed on in two hours, Lincoln kept going nine. At 7:22 and 10 seconds a. m. on April 15, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was dead. After becoming aware of the news Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton stated, Now he has a place with the ages. Government specialists found Booth and Herold at Garretts ranch close to Port Royal, Virginia on the morning of April 26. Stowing away in an outbuilding, Herold surrendered, however Booth would not all that he has lethally shot. Inside days of their catch the co-backstabbers were captured by the legislature. All were seen as blameworthy by a military council. Mrs. Surratt, Powell, Atzerdot, and Herold were all held tight July 7, 1865. Dr. Mudd, OLaughlin, and Arnold were given life terms in jail. John Surratt fled to Canada and afterward disappeared to Europe, where he was caught and was attempted in 1867 of every a common court. The jury was gridlocked and Surratt went free. Dr. Mudd and Arnold were totally absolved by President Andrew Johnson from the get-go in 1869.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Hinduism Education Expectations - Free Essay Example

When I think of Hinduism, my mind automatically thinks of Ghandi. In this case we are not talking about architecture but education expectations of Hinduism in India. Hinduism is a religion that is mostly founded in India and it was established around 1500 BCE. Hindus believe in multiple Gods, particular one prime God, Brahmans. Hindus are a part of our American culture too. Research shows, the PEW survey estimated that the number of Hindus rose from 0.3 percent of the population in 2007 to 0.7 percent in 2014, 77 percent of Hindus in the U.S. are college graduates (Rambachan). This shows how much can change in seven or more years in todays society. Becoming a teacher does not always mean just sticking to the books and teaching the children. For example, counting or speaking can be something that you will teach a child but to except each other as an equal. I want to educate my students on different cultures and their values. Also, to be excepting of each other with a different culture no matter the case and be inclusive of the students who are of different culture or race. I want to display diversity in my classroom and give parents that warm welcoming feeling. In my classroom, I want to make a difference to my students. As an adult now, I still remember the teachers who went over and beyond for me to included me in projects or group work when I was too shy. Also, those teachers treated every one of my peers the same, know matter what our religion was or race. I decided to do my culture paper on Hinduism and their education expectations. I chose this because I wanted to learn more about the cultures education and how they want their children to be educate so that way I can better understand their culture. To begin with, the first article of information about their education expectations was, a person has an importance to focus on the human life and the four aspects of oneself. To elaborate, on the four aspects of the human life according to Hinduism are, dharma (virtue),artha (wealth), kama (pleasure) and moksha (liberation). This to me seems like it is almost like a reference to a four pillars image, to live by but in the education realm. Hindus believe that their life is scared. I respect that, and I would respect that of the families and students who are Hindu. Another expectation, the author of The Future of Hinduism in Americas Changing Religious Landscape, wrote, When I was a child attending a Hindu elementary school in Trinidad, we recited a series of questions and answers about Hinduism from a small catechetical text. One of the questions was, Why are you a Hindu? The answer followed: Because I was born a Hindu (Rambachan). This could greatly affect my teaching and commun ication styles because for one I have little experience working with Hindu culture. Furthermore, I have never taught by the four aspects of human life and I am not familiar with the catechetical text. That being said I would like to educate myself on this to try and incorporate this into my plans. Next, more background information about Indias education system. Primary and Middle lower primary and upper primary education is compulsory and free in India. Primary education begins at age 6 with Middle/Upper Primary school education ending at age 14 (Education System in India). That completely amazes me! I had to reread that sentence a few times before it sunk in. I never knew or thought that the primary education in India was required by law to be free from ages 6 to 14. Furthermore, I had read that in the primary education (elementary schools) which is grades first to eighth grade, start to learn the English language as their second language by the grade level of third. Also, in the secondary schools they may learn three different types of languages, regional language, an elective language, and the English language. Continuing on to the ninth grade to twelfth grade would be the secondary education (like our high schools). To elaborate more on secondary education, educati on continues to be free at government schools, although private education is more common at the secondary level. Public examinations are held at the end of both cycles and grant access to grade 11 and university level study respectively (Education Systems in India). Grant access to grade eleven is an interest fact about this culture but it also seems relevant. Maybe it is a good idea to have a public examination to see how much the student really knows and what they could work on. This could very much help them to be setup to succeed in their future and in their education. Continuing, education is the means by which an individual can gain right knowledge, control his desires and learn to perform his obligatory duties with a sense of detachment and devotion to God, so that he can overcome the impurities of egoism, attachment and delusion and achieve liberation (Hinduism and Education). Hinduism is more than just a textbook and learning how to count. Hinduism is the loyalty that they give to their God. Furthermore, in Hindu tradition, an illiterate person is considered to be equal to an animal (pasu), because without education he will not be able to rise above his physical self. Hence the belief that a person who is initiated into education is twice born, first time physically and second time spiritually (Hinduism and Education). Fascinating to know that Hindus initiate into education twice. This could relate to the American culture because we try to rise above to succeed in our education. Furthermore, in my research I discovered that in India some students attended, Gurukulas, which is, a residential school that you live near or with the guru (teacher). That is very neat to know. This would give the students the attention they needed from the teacher. If the teacher saw a student not succeeding, they would either be punished or take it upon themselves to work harder with that student to accomplish what they are learning about. Continuing, women were not allowed to attend Guruklas. They were not allowed to attend because they were not allowed to study outside of their own homes. I could not imagine not begin able to attend school. Lastly, I would like to go over some accommodations that I would like to make in my own classroom for the Hindu culture students and other cultures. Starting with, doing background information about the culture before meeting with the student and their family or caregiver. I would like to talk with the school board about getting an audio recording in Hindu instead of the student reading the text in English. This will help the student better understand what I am trying to teach them as well as make them feel included. Also, I would like to setup a conference with their family or caregiver to go over what our curriculum would look like throughout the year and talk about how to oblige to their religious background. I want to take this step-in meeting with them and going over the curriculum because I want the family to feel included as well as the student. Also, to make them feel comfortable knowing that, yes, their child is in a public American school or daycare but that their cul ture is being shown in some of the curriculum or displayed in the classroom. In conclusion of my culture paper, Hinduism is a religion, but it does not define the child that you are teaching. What I am trying to say is that we are all equal and we may have a difference in religions and beliefs. That does not mean we cannot coexist in our American education. I want to show my students that we need to be excepting of one another. Also, I want to show the parents of the Hindu children that I have done research and I am knowledgeable in their culture. I want the parents and their children to feel safe and welcomed into my classroom. I want to make a difference in the way I teach my students for the future.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Changing Role of British Army Free Essay Example, 3250 words

The author of the paper states that the British Army is presumed to be one of the prime armed forces in the world because of its glorious past and involvement with NATO. The British Army is in charge of protecting the citizens of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Northern Ireland i. e. the United Kingdom. The force has also been used as part of the operations United Nation on several occasions. The organization structure of the army consists of the General Staff. There are Field Army and Regional Forces to support the staffs. Also, they have collaborations with the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. Earlier there existed two top-level structures within the Army namely Land Command and Adjunct General. But on 1st of April in 2008, both the structure were merged and converted to HQ Land Forces. The newly converted force is commanded by Commander-in-Chief, Land Forces. The present organizational structure of the British Army is headed by Commander-in-Chief, Land Forces. The profile has three sub positions. They are Commander Field Army, Joint Helicopter Command and Commander Regional Forces. The Commander Field Army leads the 1st Division, 3rd Division, 6th Division, Theatre Troops, and Land Warfare Centre. We will write a custom essay sample on Changing Role of British Army or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page With the changing environment, the traditional roles of the army also call for a change. In the early days, the army was meant to safeguard and protect the interest of the nation and the lives of its citizens. The objectives still hold good today but in literary terms, the army has a lot many other things to do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Herman Miller Case Study - 1175 Words

Herman Miller Inc. Financial Analysis: Herman Miller Inc. Fiscal Years Ending | May 29, 2010 | May 29, 2009 | May 31, 2008 | June 2, 2007 | June 3, 2006 | | | | | | | Profitability Ratios | | | | | | Gross Profit Margin | 32.5% | 32.4% | 34.7% | 33.7% | 33.1% | Operating profit margin | 71.6% | 75.2% | 77.5% | 76.7% | 76.0% | Net Profit margin | 2.1% | 4.2% | 7.6% | 6.7% | 5.7% | Return on total assets | 6.5% | 12.2% | 21.8% | 21.4% | 16.9% | Return on stockholder s equity | 35.3% | 850.0% | 650.9% | 83.1% | 71.7% | Return on invested capital | 10.1% | 21.9% | 38.2% | 39.3% | 31.6% | Earnings per share | 0.0000005 | 0.0000013 | | | | | | | | | | Liquidity Ratios | | | | |†¦show more content†¦Value Chain – Herman Miller Inc. Herman Miller Value Chain Suppliers -gt; Operations -gt; Distribution -gt; Marketing -gt; Service Manufacturing Independent Ramp;D Distributors Competitors Value Chain Suppliers -gt; Operations -gt; Distribution -gt; Merchandising-gt; POS To stores sell at stores Generic Strategy Lower cost Differentiation Broad | | | Narrow | | | Herman Miller Haworth Steelcase HNI Office Max Wal-mart The recession in late 2007 affected Herman Miller like that of other companies in this same industry. Herman Miller was able to come out of this better than most of because of measures taken in earlier recessions. Herman Miller was able to earn $152.3 million on $2.01 billion in sales in 2008. The 2010 sales had fell $700 million and earnings were down $124 million. But despite the downturn in the economy Herman Miller still was profitable. Pay cuts that were instituted in 2009 of 10% and the suspension of the 401(K) contributions. These cuts reduced job security but the employees railed around management because it was best for the company as a whole. Other companies would fail at this. Herman Miller has followed the same basic strategy throughoutShow MoreRelatedHerman Miller Company Case Study3089 Words   |  12 Pagesï » ¿Herman Miller 1 herman miller case study 1.0 Internal Analysis 1.1 Timeline The Herman Miller Company operated as the Star Furniture Company in Michigan in 1905. It was named the Michigan Start Furniture Company in 1909. In 1919, Dirk Jan Du Pree became its president. In 1923, his father-in-law Herman Miller bought the majority shares in the company and it was renamed to the Herman Miller Furniture Company. Since then, under the leadership of Du Pree, the company has continuously adopted innovativeRead MoreHerman Miller Case Study Essay1260 Words   |  6 PagesCase Six: Southwest Airlines Introduction Herman Miller has a deep-rooted history as a quality manufacturer of office furniture. 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It remains the leader in innovation and design processes by remaining committed to Research and Development and continues to commit to it even through rough financial times. There will be several areas of focus during this analysis including

Fast Authentication Approach on Mobile Devices-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss abouts the Fast Authentication Approach on Mobile Devices. Answer: Feng et al. (2012) in their paper have attempted at solving the problems associated with the authentication of the smartphones. To achieve the objective, the authors have devised a technology for easy and secure authentication of the mobile devices. The devised technology goes by the name of FAST (Finger-gestures Authentication System Using Touchscreen). The technology extracts touch data from touch enabled smartphones, for the deemed purpose the subject equips a digitised sensor glove that was developed with assistance from off-the-shelf components. The paper has been well documented in 5 different sections (excluding the introduction and conclusion) with specified purpose for each of them. The first of the above mentioned five sections is the Background section where the authors have cited references to different factors and terms that are associated with the development of the subject of the paper. An elaborate idea of the FAR (False Accept Rate) and FRR (False Reject Ratio) and what level should be maintained for the security of the device. Followed by the other factor that will affect the technology that is the classifiers. The technology is based on the classification algorithm and hence the discussion. Following that the next section The FAST Framework and Design. describes on how the past works were explored to design the most suitable solution for the considered problem. The deemed section also offers an insight into the working of the developed technology. The sections suggest that FAST gathers some specific touch gesture data such as the X and Y coordinates, the pressure applied on the touch points, motion speed of the touch, finger motion direction along with multi-point distance out of the 53 features of touch gesture. The collected data are then stored in two separate databases, one of which is training of the classifiers and the others for testing. As stated earlier the deemed technology monitors the touch gesture which it latter optimises together to determine the users authentication approach. Two sections following the above-discussed section are the experimental sections where the experiments were done to evaluate the technology and cite the results of the experiment. The results support the facts claimed by the authors and clarity of the results are visible from the graphs and stats offered by them. Finally, the authors have showered some light on the related work over the problem they have attempted at solving before concluding the paper. The authors have devised the report with appropriate structuring to make it easy for the readers in understanding their objective. The development of the technology has also been explained appropriately by discussing the facts, factors and the stats associated with the development process. However, the authors have limited the discussion over the factors to their basics and have not offered a more precise definition of the roles that those factors will play in the technology. The future of the technology, how they plan to use it is also missing, and most importantly the conclusion of the report is very concise. Overall, it can be stated that the report will be interesting for the readers with limited knowledge, however, the scholars and researchers would expect more from it.